diet plan

10 Reasons Why Your Current Diet Plan Isn’t Working

October 10, 20241 min read

It’s too boring. No one can eat just chicken and broccoli for the rest of their life.


It’s too complicated to follow. For instance many people cannot stay on keto because they eat out at “not keto friendly” restaurants or their family eats different food.


It’s too restrictive. Low calorie or low card crash diets usually work only a while and then you gain the weight back. You usually end up worse of metabolically also.


It’s not customized. If your plan isn’t designed for you or it isn’t updated frequently, you will likely experience no results, or at least an inevitable plateau.


You eat “clean” but don’t actually have any idea what amount of calories you are consuming.


You have no one supporting you, holding you accountable, and giving you instructions.


You eat the right amount of calories but undereat protein and lose more muscle than fat.


You have dieted too many times or too long and your metabolism has slowed down.


You eat too few micronutrients to support healthy and normal functions of the body.


You are falling of track often or aren’t on plan on the weekends.

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