3 Tips For Better Quality Sleep
I always say you need three things to be healthy and fit. Good nutrition, good sleep and a good exercise routine. It’s like a table with three legs. If one is missing the whole thing collapses.
If you eat right and sleep right, but don’t exercise, you don’t get that far.
Even worse if you exercise a lot and sleep well, and then eat junk.
And the third is, you eat healthy and exercise, but don’t get enough sleep. This one I think is very common.
Studies show that if you sleep under 6 hours you drop your testosterone levels by 15 %. There are very few people who can sleep under six hours a night without doing serious damage to their health. There are people with a certain gene who can sleep less but very, very few.
And much as you may think you have this gene, very likely you don’t.
It is sometimes easy to not listen to your body and just pour more cups of coffee to kee going.
We need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Period.
And you can say you sleep when you die, but you just die sooner and live a shitty life performing far from optimal.
It is also important to get good quality sleep. Not just lay in bed.
Here are my top 3 tips to achieve better sleep:
Set up your internal clock right. Get sunlight early in the day and throughout the day so your body differentiates day and night. Also avoid artificial LED lights at night because they trick your brain into thinking it is still day time. I wear my Swanwick blue blocking glasses each night for 2 hours before bed to ensure this. Also go to bed and wake up at the same time. Earlier is more beneficial by the way. Between the hours of 10 pm and 2 am you get more benefit out of sleep than later in the morning.
Don’t do work related tasks before bed. Do something relaxing for at least 90 minutes before bed like reading.
Don’t eat a big meal before bed. Give your body 2-3 hours to digest the food before sleeping so that the digestion process doesn’t keep you from deep sleep.
1. Hostage Nosestrip: https://hostagetape.com/products/buy?snowball=ANTTIPATRI09679
2. Hosetage Mouth Tape: https://hostagetape.com/products/buy?snowball=ANTTIPATRI09679
3. Hostage Blindfold Sleep Mask: https://hostagetape.com/products/buy?snowball=ANTTIPATRI09679
4. Swanwick UV Glasses - https://amzn.to/4dUYMzD
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Videos on Sleep:
Why is Sleep So Important?
How to Optimize Sleep